Oral history interview with F.J. Corbato, 1989 Apr. 18 and 1990 Nov. 14.


Oral history interview with F.J. Corbato, 1989 Apr. 18 and 1990 Nov. 14.

Corbató discusses computer science research, especially time-sharing, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Topics discussed in the first session include: Phil Morse and the establishment of the Computation Center, Corbató's management of the Computation Center, the development of the WHIRLWIND computer, John McCarthy and research on timesharing, cooperation between International Business Machines (IBM) and MIT, J.C.R. Licklider and the development of Project MAC. Topics discussed in the second session include: timesharing, the development of MULTICS by the General Electric (GE) Computer Division.

sound cassettes : 5 (60 min. each) : analog, mono.Transcript : 97 p.Computer data (1 file : 183K)

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